En Pointe Photography

“Dance is the hidden language of the soul.”
These are the famous words spoken by celebrated modern dancer and choreographer, Martha Graham. Indeed, for those seeking beauty and elegance, nothing compares to the joys of ballet and dance photography! As an art form, this branch of photography is as unique as it is fascinating. Quite simply, there is something magical about ballet and dance photography that speaks to our souls.
But have you ever wondered why the human eye is drawn to such images?
What about these artistic pieces captures our imaginations so vividly?
In En Pointe Photography, Ersen Türkyilmaz invites you to find out.
There are many reasons why we are attracted to ballet and dance. For some, it is the highest appreciation of the human form. Dancers epitomize strength. Rigorous training and the honing of muscles results in an athletic body capable of truly astonishing feats. Capturing these mesmerizing movements – the gravity defying jumps, pirouettes, flexibility, grace, etc. – is a testament to the power of the human form.
Afterall, dance is the expression of beauty in motion!
For the viewer, these photographs have a profound effect.
Above all, ballet and dance photography is about evoking an emotional response. Whether you are behind the camera or in front of it, the magic of photography touches us all.
Erhältlich als Taschenbuch auf Amazon:
Erhältlich auf Amazon Kindle:
Sprache : Englisch
Taschenbuch : 88 Seiten
ISBN-13 : 979-3949879098
Abmessungen : 21,00 x 0.53 x 21.00 cm
Preis Taschenbuch: 17,99€
Preis Kindle eBook: 7,99€
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