Imacres Awards Annual Book 2022

IMACRES Awards is a european photography competition open to all photographers from europe.
The mission of this competition is to provide photographers the opportunity to promote their photographs and to present their work among the best european photographers to an international audience.
Participants from all over Europe took part in the annual competition and submitted their breathtaking photographs. This book will present you the beautiful photographs that have been awarded in our competition.
We would like to dedicate this book to all participants and thank you for entering our annual competition.
Erhältlich als Taschenbuch auf Amazon:
Erhältlich als eBook (PDF):
Sprache : Englisch
Taschenbuch : 60 Seiten
ISBN-13 : 978-3949879012
Abmessungen : 21.01 x 0.38 x 21.01 cm
Preis Taschenbuch: 11,99€
Preis Kindle: 5,00€
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